Saturday, September 17

so i thought i'd post some pictures

 So I found this snazzy lei in my parents' closet.  I had to put it on and whip out the camera.  This is the happiest I think I've ever looked in a picture, before.  I was jumping all around the house this morning.  Like, literally jumping around and dancing and hopping and singing.  (Plus some crashing into things.)

 Went shopping with Mom, and thought I'd take a picture.  Voila.

 I took this picture a few weeks ago and edited it (obviously).  I think that it turned out like, super-duper cool.  I LERV IT.

So I've been wanting to use Picnik's    
"Poster" effect, but every time I          
tried it, it just didn't turn out looking 
very cool.  But much to my excitement,
this picture looks GREAT as a poster. 
Thank you, brand new BRIGHT PINK
lip gloss.
The original version of this picture.   LOVE the colors!!!  :D

And then I edited this one to only have my 
lovely pink-ness showing.  This looked a lot
better in my head, unfortunately.

So, I haven't been hanging around in the blogging world enough lately, I know.  You may start throwing trash at me, I deserve it.  But since I've started public school again (GASP!), I just haven't had the time.  It's so sad, I know.  But I'm getting by.  :]